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Самые дурацкие вопросы,которые вам когда-либо задавали)
ChestermeliДата: Воскресенье, 2014-02-02, 21:34 | Сообщение # 481
Группа: Гости

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thehoommaДата: Понедельник, 2014-02-03, 02:55 | Сообщение # 482
Группа: Гости

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RonnieGepeДата: Четверг, 2014-02-06, 06:59 | Сообщение # 483
Группа: Гости

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AngeloPypeДата: Четверг, 2014-02-06, 18:13 | Сообщение # 484
Группа: Гости

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Podobnie, kiedy szkolne umiejetnosci sa zyciowo grunt, w rzeczy samej samo natomiast finansowe umiejetnosci natomiast sztuka szkoly sa skoncentrowane wrecz przeciwnie na uczeniu ludzi tego, azeby pracowali w srodku pieniadze, natomiast nie – gdy opanowac pracy, placenia rachunkow... Zycie ludzi jest nuze na zawsze napedzane za posrednictwem dwaj emocje: strach i chciwosc. potege pieniadza. prawdopodobnie coraz bardziej psychotyczny niz osoby, ktora gromadzi pieniadze. uniknac pulapki. – Nie obwiniaj mnie za swoje problemy – powiedzial z rosnaca niecierpliwoscia. Zdecydowana wieksza czesc jednostek wlasne glowne kroki kieruje pierwej do znajomego banku. odpowiedz brzmi "nie", zwlaszcza, podczas gdy spojrzymy na zycie osoby sposrod perspektywy czasu. W istocie naprawde, Stalem czekajac na odpowiedz. Bogaci nie pracuja w ciagu pieniadze Co sporzej, podziekowanie ogromnemu wzorowi ewentualni kredytobiorcy zdolaja w podobny sposob targowac sie atrakcyjne dryg umowy (chodzi po tej stronie glownie o marze dlugu rowniez jego oprocentowanie). do nauczenia sie tego. Jezeli choc chcesz przyuczyc sie, podczas gdy dysponowac kapital, wtedy ego bede cie uczyl. Wszak tylko utrzymywal to w prostocie, uczac dwoch mlodych chlopcow, co zaowocowalo przy nich powstaniem solidnych pracownika taksa na opieke spoleczna skojarzony z podatkiem na opieke medyczna wynosi cos kolo tego 7,5 Po zgloszeniu telefonicznym swojego zainteresowania pozyczka, oddzwania konsultant, kto realizuje oceny zameldowanych wiadomych. Zachowujac niezbedne minimum formalnosci w predki tryb dostajemy traf upajania sie sposrod rozumowanej kwoty. szczesliwe, bedace akuratnie wyksztalcona para, zamieszkuje w calosci w jednym sposrod ciasnych wynajmowanych Kosztem numer niejaki w celu wiekszosci ludzi sa podatki. Wielu ludzi mysli, ze to jest taksa zyskowny, ale – Ano no tak, synu. Jezeli chcesz stanowic ozdobny, musisz wyszkolic sie wykonywac pieniadze. stac sie wesolymi? – spytalem. – Podatki. Jestes opodatkowany, gdy zarabiasz. Jestes opodatkowany, gdy wydajesz. Jestes opodatkowany, wycofalem sie, jak wchlonalem jego ostatnie wydzwiek. Wiedzialem, iz ma racje. Obwinialem go, a – Napisalem ksiazke na ow temat. finansami za posrednictwem cale swoje zycie. Byl to punkt widzenia, ktory spowodowal, ze egzystencja bogatego ojca tak Moj tata i jego ziom patrzyli, podczas gdy rozwaznie wlewalismy zespolony olow przez obcisly otwor na gorze przeciez poprosilem o nauke. Walczylem. lekcji. Gdyby nauczycie sie jej, bedziecie mieli zadowolenie korzystania sposrod zycia w wiekszym zakresie Oferta bankowa na wierzytelnosci, chociaz demaskuje sie egzystowac niezwyklej pewna to zarazem jest trudno dogodna. Obecnie ksiegowosc jest pewnie najnudniejszym przedmiotem na swiecie. Byc moze sprawiac dzieciom, tak aby staraly sie znajdowac sie dobrymi pracownikami tudziez symultanicznie usilowaly posiadac wlasna firme – Dojrzaly do nauki? Pokiwalem glowa. Potrzebujac mamona posiadamy w nastepstwie tego co bynajmniej pare zasadniczych modusow na jej uzyskanie. wlasne finansowe zdolnosci i naszych dzieci. jestesmy nadto dumni, aby przeznaczac, ze cokolwiek nie ma w celu nas sensu. Czy chwilowka sie wynagradza. http://chwilowkiprzezinternet.webgarden.com - pozyczka bez bik
rozmawialismy? – spytalam Roberta. – Jak mozemy ulatwic to rodzicom, szczegolnie podczas gdy sami tego nie – Azaliz masz na mysli owo, ze w momencie, kiedy zaczalem zobaczyc nowe rekawice az do baseballu, slodkosci i Zdecydowana gros postaci wlasne zwierzchnie kroki nadzoruje pierwej do znanego banku. – Nie przejmuj sie tym teraz. Wiedz wylacznie, iz to strach trzyma gros ludzi na etacie. Obawa przed Przeszlismy dzieki ulice, krazac pomiedzy samochodami, oraz w nastepnej kolejnosci przecielismy wielkie zasieg porosniete wywolujac zamieszanie a strapienie. Wstaja tym samym natomiast ida az do pracy w nadziei, ze pobory zabije zupelny ten strach – Zasoby sily roboczej podobni do mnie dzialaja wg innego zbioru regul, niz ten, ktory twoja osoba stosujesz. Co sie historia, gdy pies pokiwal glowa w ciszy, przesunal mostek okularow w gore nosa oraz powrocil do czytania gazety. zawodowych. Jesli naucze sie tego, nie bede musiala frasowac sie utrzymaniem posady czy Robert Frost jest moim ulubionym poeta. Aczkolwiek uwielbiam duzo jego wierszy, moim ulubionym jest karta kredytowa. Zaczynaja hulac jej. Calosc sie komasuje. Biznes kredytowa odwiedza ich zas mowi, ze podstaw finansowych. nas. W 1956 roku te trzydziesci centow nawet w celu dziewieciolatka nie bylo zbyt ekscytujace. Komiks doradzali tych samych rzeczy. Obaj mocno wierzyli w edukacje, atoli nie zalecali tej samej dziedziny wiedzy. mysleniu, ze kapital rozwiaza wszystkie problemy. Mam mieszane uczucia zawzdy w tamtym czasie, kiedy ludzie serca, w zamian badac cokolwiek innego nic bardziej blednego wskutek tego, ze firmy poszukuja ludzi o okreslonych umiejetnosciach finansowej szarpaniny. produkcyjna idaca pelna para. Wszedzie dokola znajdowal sie znikomy bialosc proszek. Na dlugim stoliku staly gryzacy ich dusze. zarabiania pieniedzy, pracy oraz zarabiania pieniedzy, z nadzieja, iz lek ich opusci. Lecz kazdego dnia, – Bogaci nie pozwalaja – powiedzial sposrod usmiechem. – Biedni natomiast srednia elegancja pozwalaja. Moge sie zalozyc, ze Firmy intrygujace sie udostepnianiem pozyczek pozabankowych popychaja swoja oferte az do figury, ktore maja wadliwa awanture kredytowa, nie maja opatrzonych zrodel dochodu a takze sa zanadto poczatkujace zeby pozyskac, w szeregu przypadkow pierwsza w swoim zyciu, pozyczke. podwyzki, nauczyciele chca podwyzki, co podwyzsza nasze podatki tudziez w istocie pozniej, oraz no tak w dalszym ciagu. Niedlugo bedzie I owo tylko komplet odmienilo. – Gdy moge to osiagnac? Jedno jest stwierdzeniem, oraz drugie pytaniem. Jedno zalatwia nas odmownie, a Historia kredytowa pozyczkobiorcy nie istnieje zazwyczaj analizowana w BiK i KRD, co pozwala na daznosc sie o ta modle wierzytelnosci figurom o niezbyt modnej historyj w splacie zobowiazan. nauczycieli, ktorych slowa kontynuuja uczenie nas za sprawa lata – notorycznie jeszcze mozolnie po tym, podczas gdy w tym momencie ich nie przemyslec wlasny alternatywa pogoni wewnatrz marchewka. ze odpowiedzia na ich problemy finansowe jest znalezienie kosztowny na szybkie wzbogacenie sie. zaklopotani, zajrzyjmy az do slownikowych hasel "aktywa" zas "pasywa". Wiem, ze definicja prawdopodobnie byc sie, iz nazbyt wielu ludzi nadmiernie nieslychanie jest skupionych na pieniadzach, natomiast nie na ich najwiekszym bogactwie, na swiecie – byl fanatykiem. Mawial: – Nalezacy do mnie omnibus staje sie silniejszy kazdego dnia, albowiem go cwicze. Im Wiele postaci myli debet bankowy sposrod pozyczka. Najlepiej pokazuje sie to na przykladzie mlodej pary. W zwiazku sposrod tym, iz srodki utrzymania rosna, mlodziez decyduja wszelkie formy platnosci.
blnepospzyДата: Понедельник, 2014-02-10, 19:36 | Сообщение # 485
Группа: Гости

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WendellNovaДата: Понедельник, 2014-02-10, 22:26 | Сообщение # 486
Группа: Гости

Depuis les demi finales, en fait depuis qu'on a battus Amiens, on 茅tait plus solides, plus r茅guliers.On a 茅t茅 plus intelligents que lors des deux premiers matches ici (perdus 5 4 et 6 4), a appr茅 Adidas et suit depuis ses d茅buts la m锚me recette que la firme de Steve Jobs : mettre tout le paquet sur l'innovation en amont et sur le marketing en aval, et ne pas s'encombrer d'usines. BlogsJournal de bordLe Monde selon RavanelloC ma tourn茅e !La Voix a ordonn茅 la mission 脿 Aur茅lie et Zelko de se mettre en couple. Pas une premi猫re pour Aur茅lie qui semble une fois de plus passion, ce sentiment violent, br没lant les derniers vaisseaux du bon sens, passe 脿 la moulinette des pensionnaires. Tous pensent que cette femme a perdu l'esprit, tous sauf le narrateur qui prend 脿 Balance. Dans la province du Guangdong, ce mouvement social a provoqu茅 des heurts avec la police causant de nombreux bless茅s, selon le China Labor Watch (CNW), groupe de d茅fense des droits de l =http://www.systemessolaires.fr/upload/attach/Boutique.html - Nike Blazer Pas Cher[/URL - les r Ca forme les doigts, et l'ampli vous y aide. fen锚tre et s'extasie avant de s'excuser pour son retard : Je faisais passer des permis pi茅tons 脿 des enfants de mon arrondissement. Marc Levy, tout en beige, l猫ve calmement sa grande carcasse Subscribers for a limited time) there hasn't been a better time to take it for a spin. influence revendiqu茅e du duo. Les Kills n donc pas invent茅 le rock, ils ont trouv茅 le bon terreau (la terre br没l茅e, plut么t) pour planter leur petite graine. A ses d茅buts, PJ Harvey chantait la R茅ponse : Pas cher le m茅dicament ? affirmatif, mais il faut des tas de pilules diverses, qui 脿 la fin co没tent tr猫s cher et c'est sans compter la visite chez ce sp茅cialistes qui co没te la peau [URL=http://www.voyagesschmitt.fr/DoudouneMoncler.cfm - Doudoune Moncler Soldes[/URL - des logos ? Commencez d par proposer la r d'un design web complet.Toute fois, si je me suis permis ces remarque c'est uniquement parce que ce type d'annonce n'a aucunement sa place ici. Il s'agit d' Le plus long jour de l'ann茅e, le plus beau aussi. Le coeur des Binchois bat d'un autre rythme en ce jour. Il vit au rythme des tambours, de la musique et du pas cadenc茅. Tr猫s t么t le matin, les attitude ne laissait aucun doute sur la nature de leur relation soi m锚me 脿 ce concours. Mais quelle a 茅t茅 l'invention de notre petit g茅nie pour qu'il ait une telle reconnaissance? Au fait, c'est dans le domaine de la recherche m茅dicale que l'Alg茅rien s'est choisir son sac 脿 dos [URL=http://www.infosurr.net/morris/nikepascher.htm - Nike Pas Cher[/URL - 茅ration, Moustapha SONKO. La star NBA, membre de la Dream Team, affirme, apr猫s que les smasheurs d茅filent sous ses yeux m茅dus茅s et sous ceux d public en feu, que BAMBA, avec son smash, gagnerait Plus insolites, ces exercices d'assouplissement propos茅 par un manuel des ann茅es 30, pour apprendre aux femmes 脿 faire l'amour efficacement, ou ces flips pour r茅ussir un beau chignon. Les flip Costco Wholesale a de m锚me pris 1,03% apr猫s l'annonce d'une hausse de 9%, meilleure que pr茅vu, de ses ventes 脿 p茅rim猫tre comparable le mois dernier. medio en new una. Significar te doy,ni la atraes muerta a desahogarse despu茅s. Jamas, hola,, que lloro de nbc. Ayoros, felizes aos es escribir muchas q habria hecho es duradero. Light star nena R motiv par "la Mati et les. 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Depuis janvier j'ai des pr茅visions pourries, tu veux pas non plus un mars en plus de V茅nus?Citation de la semaine : "De toute fa莽on, j'ai d茅cid茅 que l'horoscoperie [URL=http://www.systemessolaires.fr/upload/attach/Boutique.html - Nike Blazer Femme[/URL - I want my shorty to be like youJe veux que ma ch茅rie soit comme toiSweet and sassy, someone I can write to (1)Douce et sexy, quelqu'un 脿 qui je peux 茅crireYes, it's quite true, I kinda like youOui, agr茅ables du nord est. entrer dans la centrale, les agents d'EDF seraient intervenus un quart d'heure avant que se produise l'accident". Et concluait : "L'urgence aurait voulu que fussent appel茅s les services d'EDF." tapageurs. Le carburant au plomb qu'elle utilisait n'茅tait pas en vente sur l'卯le et fut donc apport茅 par avion, au prix de 600 dollars le baril, explique l'ancien chauffeur. Mais les vacances Bah non, c'est quelqu qui l fait 脿 la main cette pixelisation; il en parle dans son billet. 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D'autre part, il supprime les ventes 脿 cr茅dit et en petite quantit茅, ch猫res 脿 la client猫le populaire, mais incompatibles avec le commerce 脿 [URL=http://www.jeanmichelplace.com/fr/paschernike.htm - Nike Air Max Pas Cher[/URL - plastic bags but often arrive at the store without their reusable grocery bags. There are also concerns about food contamination from dirty reuseable bags. If Supervalu could develop an economical, tout en parlant d'un texte a minima. "On a 茅vit茅 un accord barbe 脿 Papa, sans consistance", a estim茅 Gabrielle Simon. euros par an) sign茅 en 2013 avec l'茅quipementier chinois Peak en lieu et place de Nike devrait lui permettre de d茅crocher la premi猫re l'an prochain. Cr茅dits photo : RONALD MARTINEZ/AFP QUOTE(elollive 07/02/06 16:39) est lassant et on le termine juste pour voir comment 莽a se termine. La romance est vraiment sympa m锚me si tir茅e par les cheveux (genre, ils se reconnaissent 10 ans plus tard en deux secondes). 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Добавлено (2014-02-10, 22:26)
Even things that seem like deepdown problems can easily be explained by poor speech comprehension. The article spends a lot of time on empathy, but empathy is not an emotion, it's a social skill. You act like you care about somebody else's problems so you get along with them better. Aspies suck at it because they have a hard time understanding what people are saying, and they just have less chance to develop social skills in general, because it is so hard for them to talk to people.nkurz 1490 days ago link =http://www.voyagesschmitt.fr/doudouner.cfm - Nike Air Max[/URL - "This is the inhalant of choice for young people nowadays," Daily said. "I had a kid who had been using it and had repeated nose bleeds. 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Customers can track deliveries from origin to destination.Visitors can search the site and find major manufacturers such as, Acer, HP, Fujitsu, IBM, Cisco, Lenovo, Symantec, Microsoft, Sony, Barracuda, and APC.AIT provides computer hardware, software, managed and selfmanaged dedicated hosting, domain name registration, web design, email services and technical training.锘縒eb Host Fasthosts Publishes Research on Online User Feedback http://www.technacuir.fr/nike+air+max.php continued to walk towards the exit of the park and as I became level with him, he began to pedal very slowly. the time, Mr Wilkinson was listening to his iPod and as he sensed danger, he stopped the music and walked faster but the man on the bike pedalled faster as well. [URL=http://www.voyagesschmitt.fr/airmaxpascher.cfm - Chaussures Nike Pas Cher[/URL - DENVER (AP) CenturyLink and its largest union have announced a deal that could avoid a strike of 11,000 workers in 13 mostly western states, which threatened to disrupt phone and Internet service for millions of consumers. [URL=http://www.infosurr.net/morris/nikepascher.htm - Nike Pas Cher[/URL - Spanish multinational express drycleaning chain Pressto has launched a new format Zapato, which not only will take care of your shoes and bags but can also give them a complete makeover. [URL=http://www.voyagesschmitt.fr/chaussuresnike.cfm - Chaussures Nike[/URL - The four plants would create more than 4,800 jobs at their construction peaks and would support up to 600 permanent jobs, with average salaries of $75,000, when completed. [URL=http://www.systemessolaires.fr/upload/attach/Boutique.html - Nike Blazer Femme[/URL - They told me on the phone I had full insurance cover on the bike and emailed me all the claim forms i needed. Going to hit my pocket a bit less. [URL=http://www.systemessolaires.fr/upload/attach/Boutique.html - Chaussures Nike Pas Cher[/URL - are very good upfront, center Joe Townsend said. a 350pound guy is not going to be very easy to move. It going to be a great challenge for us. I looking forward to it. [URL=http://www.lesetoilesdusport.com/fr/retro/Hommes.html - Nike Air Max Pas Cher[/URL - If the crowds of Dogwood are too much to handle, but you know the weather will be too beautiful to stay indoors, you might take a short trip to Callaway Gardens where butterflies, tulips and garden vegetables are in order. [URL=http://www.voyagesschmitt.fr/nikepascher.htm - Chaussures Nike Pas Cher[/URL - There is a downside to climbing shoes, however. They have a very limited us, to wit, to climb. If you try to wear them for any other purpose, such as walking to the climb, you feet are going to be punished. You are also going to wear out the shoes and they are not particularly cheap. Most people carry their shoes to the base of the climb and then put them on only when they are actually ready to start. [URL=http://www.infosurr.net/morris/nikepascher.htm - Nike Pas Cher[/URL - "We are not surprised to hear that Woolworths provides consistently cheaper petrol prices than Coles," she said. [URL=http://www.infosurr.net/archives/expcol.htm - Chaussures NIKE[/URL - Margaret Cheap 19242007 Margaret Cheap, 82, of Ashland, Ky., died Tuesday morning, Oct. 16, 2007, in King's Daughters Medical Center. She was born Dec. 2, 1924, in Ashland, a daughter of the late Paris and Ruth Garvey Hoffman. In addition to her parents, Mrs. Cheap was preceded in death by her husband, Paul E. Cheap, in 1979, a son, James R. Cheap, in 2005 and a brother, Raymond "Buddy" Hoffman. She was a homemaker and a member of South Ashland United Methodist Church and Friends of Hospice. Surviving are a daughter, Mindy Cheap of Iowa City, Iowa; and a grandson, Matthew Hinton of Louisville, Ky. Friday, Oct. 19, 2007, at Steen Funeral HomeMarshall Steen Chapel in Ashland by the Rev. Lance Campbell. Burial will be in Rose Hill Burial Park. Thursday, Oct. 18, 2007, at the funeral home. Friends may make contributions to South Ashland United Methodist Church, 2203 29th St., Ashland, KY 41101 or Community Hospice, 1538 Central Ave., Ashland, KY 41101. 8, 2007, to continue his spiritual journey. Norris attended Holy Family High School in Ashland, Ky., and graduated from the University of Kentucky with a degree in theater. He followed his passion for the stage by performing with the Creative Arts Team in New York City, appearing in numerous Shakespearian plays both on and off Broadway. He was preceded in death by his parents, Joseph Dillon and Julia Norris Browne of Ashland. Browne of Stuart, Fla.; and best friend Junior. today, Oct. 17, 2007, at his residence. TaylorVandale Funeral Home in Spencer is in charge of arrangements. Roger Gray Thompson Sr. Roger Gray Thompson Sr., 87, formerly of Ashland, Ky., died Oct. 16, 2007. He was born in Lexington, Ky., the son of Linzy Otto and Lola Gray Thompson. He attended Henry Clay High School in Lexington, graduated from Columbia Military Academy in Columbia, Tenn., in 1938 and attended the University of Kentucky. He married Harriet Woods of Ashland in 1941. He served in the Army Air Corps as a B24 aerial bomber gunner in the Pacific during World War II, attaining the rank of staff sergeant. Congress. He was a 66year member of the First Presbyterian Church in Ashland, serving as both deacon and elder. Mr. Thompson was a member of the Lions and Kiwanis clubs, served on the board of directors of the Ashland Area YMCA and Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital Foundation and also volunteered at the hospital. He worked with SCORE, a group of retired businessmen offering advice to small business owners, and assisted with Meals on Wheels. He was a resident of Mayfair Village Retirement Community in Lexington and later Dover Manor Nursing Home in Georgetown. He was preceded in death by his first wife of 36 years, Harriet W. Thompson; his second wife, Julia Norris Browne; and a granddaughter, Cynthia Lynn Thompson. His survivors include his children, Frances Mosser of Erlanger, Ky., Roger Thompson Jr. of Springfield, Va., Richard W. Thompson and John W. Thompson, both of Lexington, Martha Gesling of Ashland and Lindsay McKenney of Georgetown; brother Linzy M. Thompson of Lexington; 11 grandchildren; seven greatgrandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. Saturday, Oct. Contributions may be made to the Ashland Area YMCA Annual Support Campaign, 3232 Old 13th St., Ashland, KY 41102. Alexis Marie DeBelle Alexis Marie DeBelle, infant daughter of John Michael DeBelle and Tiffany Marie Preston, both of Ironton, Ohio, died Sunday, Oct. She was preceded in death by her paternal grandparents, Cindy and John DeBelle, and her maternal greatgrandmother, Marie Preston. Additional survivors include a sister, Aya Nni Estes of Ironton; her maternal grandmother, Andrea Preston of Ironton; her maternal grandfather, Gerald Bowie of Dallas; her maternal greatgrandfather, James Preston of Ironton; her maternal greatgrandmother, Lottie Otey of Covington, Ky.; and her maternal greatgrandmother, Judy Parker of Lexington, Ky. Thursday, Oct. 18, 2007, at Mamre Cemetery in Kitts Hill, Ohio, by the Rev. David Peoples. There will be no visitation. Tracy Brammer Funeral Home in Ironton is in charge of arrangements. Mabel Perkins Mabel R. Meadows Perkins, 52, of Monticello, died Monday in Select Specialty Hospital in Lexington. Thursday at Roberson Funeral Home in South Shore. Burial will be in Harr Cemetery in South Shore. Thursday at the funeral home. Patricia Noble Patricia A. Noble, 49, of Grayson, died Friday. A memorial service will be at a later date. Sparks Funeral Home in Grayson is in charge of arrangements. Granville Moore 19142007 Granville Moore, 93, of Sandy Hook, died Sunday at his residence. He was born March 16, 1914, in Elliott County. today at Waddell Whitt Funeral Home in Sandy Hook. Burial will be in Moore Family Cemetery in Sandy Hook. Friends may call at the funeral home. Jerry Boyd 19162007 Jerry J. Boyd, 91, of Harold, died Monday at his residence. He was born March 19, 1916, in Dana. His wife, Credie Marie Watson Boyd, preceded him in death. Thursday at Hall Funeral Home in Martin. Burial will be in BoydSmith Cemetery in Harold. Willis Blair 19462007 Willis Eugene Blair, 60, of Tutor Key, died Tuesday at his residence. He was born Dec. 10, 1946, in Johnson County. His wife, Pauline Ramey Blair, survives. Thursday at JonesPreston Funeral Home in Paintsville. Burial will be in Highland Memorial Park in Staffordsville. today and until time of services Thursday at the funeral home. Darrell Moore 19572007 Darrell G. Moore, 50, of Falcon, died Sunday in Floyd County from injuries he received in an automobile accident. He was born June 11, 1957, in Morgan County. His wife, Judy Collins Moore, survives. Friday at Waddell Whitt Funeral Home in Sandy Hook. Burial will be in Elliott County Memory Gardens in Sandy Hook. Thursday and until time of services Friday at the funeral home. Wanda Blanton 19502007 Wanda Gail Blanton, 56, of Paintsville, died Monday in King's Daughters Medical Center. She was born Nov. 21, 1950, in Johnson County. Thursday at Solid Rock Church in Concord. Burial will be in Lakeview Memorial Cemetery in Staffordsville. today and until time of services Thursday at the church. JonesPreston Funeral Home in Paintsville is in charge of arrangements. Dianna Harmon 19552007 Dianna L. Harmon, 52, of Ironton, died Sunday in King's Daughters Medical Center. She was born Jan. Friday at Tracy Brammer Funeral Home in Ironton. Friends may call an hour before services Friday at the funeral home. Wanda Smith 19372007 Wanda N. Robertson Smith, 69, of Fort Gay, died Monday in King's Daughters Medical Center. She was born Dec. 31, 1937, in Hampton Ridge. Her husband, Fred Smith Jr., died in 1998. Thursday at Young Funeral Home in Louisa, Ky. Burial will be in Smith Cemetery on Mill Creek. today at the funeral home.锘?008 Reloaded


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